Envirnomental Monitoring
A Foundational Element Of Any Solar Plant
Truly managing a large-solar electric plant requires a fine-grained understanding of the physical environment. Does the irradiance at the plant match what was predicted in the initial site design? Does the plant occupy two or more micro climates that affect productivity in potentially conflicting ways? When low production occurs, is it caused by a system defect or has it simply been a long time since the last rain? How does panel selection, or even something as simple as humidity, effect overall productivity? Without proper environmental monitoring, answering these questions is simply not possible.
Fortunately, Fat Spaniel provides environmental monitoring solutions to measure a number of solar plant variables. Current environmental monitoring support includes:
- Ambient temperature sensors
- Anemometer – wind speed & direction
- Humidity sensors
- Precipitation sensors
- Pre-packaged and pre-wired data logging appliances
- Pyranometer
- Reference panel temperature sensors
- Reference panel voltage sensors