About Fat Spaniel Technologies

Fat Spaniel Technoogies joins Sharp Solar at International Home Builders Show in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS, Nevada — SHARP Solar installed a 2kW system on the Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored Next Generation demonstration house, built in the parking lot at the Las Vegas Center. SHARP deployed Fat Spaniel Technologies’ PV2Web™ solution to deliver live data from the home to their product display inside the convention hall. The display provided a simple, compelling way for SHARP to demonstrate the benefits and performance of their solar electric products in real-time.

Homeowners who buy solar electric systems want instant access to their system’s performance information. While many systems provide this critical data, it is usually not displayed in a form that is instantly useful to the homeowner. These views need to be accessible from anywhere, whether at a PC in a meeting room or on a promotional display at a tradeshow booth. And with short tradeshow construction schedules, the monitoring and display solution needs to be installed quickly and easily.

SHARP employed Fat Spaniel Technologies to provide a turnkey, flexible solution to make solar energy, building demand and environmental data available anytime, anywhere. PV2Web provides unique, insightful and compelling graphical views of energy data for installers, manufacturers, builders and homeowners.

Now solar industry professionals can use live system data in presentations at trade shows, training classes and in the field via mobile phone or PDA. Installers can monitor each of their systems remotely so they can receive automated alerts, which saves on costly service calls. This powerful solution is simple to install and maintain. And it is available today.

Over 100,000 people attended the International Builders’ Show and SHARP was able to clearly demonstrate the performance and benefits of their solar electric products. The sales team used the compelling PV2Web display to explain how solar electric systems work and to sell their new solar RoofTiles product. Builders and end-customers were able to visualize the utility bill savings and environmental benefits that result from installing a solar electric system.

Greg Weaver 
(408) 279-5262